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Orthodontic treatments can be divided into multiple phases, including surgery to correct skeletal and dental problems. It is common to treat using a phase 1 (during active growth treatment) followed by phase 2 (all permanent teeth are present in the mouth) combination protocol.

Phase 2 tooth movement choices – You can have fixed and removable options.

Fixed are bonded to your teeth on either the buccal or lingual surfaces, and clear aligner therapy is the removable option. A complete diagnosis is needed to determine which option is suitable for your individual situation. 



Dr. Rob Pasch DDS MSc General Practitioner uses clear aligner therapy to affect the dental changes you require. A word of caution, when you wear clear aligner trays you minimize the cleansing action of your tongue and salivary flow against your teeth. It is doubly important to practice ideal oral hygiene when wearing these systems for the recommended 22 hour/day wear time


These braces camouflage themselves very well in the mouth. They are almost invisible. 


There are only two lingual appliances available in the market - 3Mâ„¢ Incognitoâ„¢ Appliance System and the Win appliances.

These systems are highly customized in your case, and treatment time is comparable to other fixed treatment systems. However, to the increase in chair time and lab cost, the overall fee structure for this system is higher. 

A woman with braces


SPEED braces are computer-designed and manufactured in Canada. They are active and are 1/3rd smaller than conventional braces, thus allowing for improved comfort and rapid tooth movement. It is normal to see a reduction in total treatment time when speed braces are used. As the name suggests, the treatment with SPEED Braces is more efficient than the traditional metal braces. These braces are ideal if you are looking for quick and comfortable treatment. Orthodontists prefer SPEED Braces as they allow for exceptional precision and predictability.



Connect with Dr Rob Pasch DDS MSc General Practitioner for orthodontic recommendations.

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